Why You Need an Amazon Product Video for Your Product Listing

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In the world of online shopping, where options seem endless, getting the attention of potential buyers and convincing them to make a purchase can be quite challenging. 

Amazon, which is one of the largest and most popular online marketplaces, has a solution that is gaining momentum – the use of product videos. By, creating Amazon Product Videos can be a powerful tool for the seller to boost up their sale. 

In this article, we will explore the benefits of having an Amazon Product Video, along with some crucial tips and guidelines for creating and adding them to your product listings.

Why are Product Videos Important?

Let’s first understand why having a product video on your Amazon listing is important before we talk about its benefits.

Product Video Studio

1. Increase Sales 

One of the primary reasons why product videos are important on Amazon is their ability to increase sales. When shoppers can visually see a product in action it helps them understand its functionality and how it can benefit them. This increased understanding boosts their confidence in making a purchase resulting in sales

2. Reduce Returns

Product videos also play an important role in reducing returns. When customers have an understanding of what they’re buying through the video they are less likely to be disappointed when the actual product arrives. This leads to returns saving time and money for both sellers and buyers.

3. Boost Customer Satisfaction 

Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers. Product videos not only help customers make decisions but also contribute to an overall positive shopping experience. When customers feel happy, with their purchases they tend to leave reviews and recommend the product to others.

Benefits of Having an Amazon Product Video

Now, that you might understand why product videos are important, let’s delve deeper into the specific benefits of Amazon Product Videos.

1. Increase Conversion Rates

The ultimate goal of any online seller is to convert visitors into buyers. This conversion rate can be greatly influenced by product videos. They offer a vibrant and interactive platform for potential buyers to interact with the product. 

You can generate confidence in the audience by demonstrating its features, benefits, and real-world applications, thereby increasing their chances of clicking on the “Add to Cart” button. It will also help build trust and credibility with potential customers.

2. Improve Brand Awareness

A proper product video emphasizes features and reinforces the brand. This strategy includes including a product video in the Amazon listing to increase your brand awareness. 

You can also use it to reveal the different aspects of your brand, such as brand story, values, and product quality. A video is one of the most effective ways to strengthen your brand and ensure that people remember you.

3. Reduce Negative Reviews

Negative reviews can damage your image and discourage people from buying. Using product videos helps you set realistic expectations for your customers. 

People will leave negative reviews due to unmet expectations if they don’t know what to expect from your product. It is also useful for the brand and brand image of your products.

4. Increase Customer Engagement

It is difficult enough to get a customer’s attention in the world of fast online shopping. The product videos are very engaging compared to the static images and description texts. 

Customer Engagement

When customers watch a video, they are more likely to stay engaged with your product listing, spending more time learning about what you offer. This often leads to increased sales, as well as enhancing customer loyalty. 

Informative and entertaining product video convinces customers to come back to your listings and see other goods of yours.

5. Stand Out from the Competition

Amazon is a highly competitive marketplace, where many sellers provide almost the same products. It is important to be different in order to stand out. Unlike competitors’ listing that relies on text and pictures, your listing includes a product video, which puts you ahead of the competition. 

This shows how dedicated you are to giving customers detailed information and the best shopping experience. Differentiating yourself in this way will draw in more customers to your brand and increase your sales.

6. Higher SEO Ranking

Amazon’s search algorithm favors listings with lots of content and customer engagement. In this case, product videos will rank you higher in SEO because they increase the time that customers spend on your listing. 

 The more Amazon’s algorithm understands your product as relevant, the longer a potential customer stays on your page. Consequently, your ranking on search results will increase thus making it easy for customers to find your products.

Steps of Adding a Product Video to Amazon Listing

Adding a product video to your Amazon listing may seem like a complex task, but it’s an easy process. Here are the essential steps to guide you through it:

Step 1: Create Your Product Video

The first thing to do is to make a product video. You can hire a professional videographer, but with today’s technology, you can also produce high-quality videos with your smartphone.

Create Your Product Video

Make sure your video focuses on the key features and benefits of your product. Here, the video must be brief and intriguing so as to attract the viewer’s attention immediately.

Step 2: Meet Amazon’s Technical Requirements

Amazon has some technical requirements that you need to follow when uploading a product video to ensure that the process flows without a glitch. These demands include video format, resolution, and file size. 

Ensure you have enough information from Amazon’s Seller Central to confirm that your video conforms to their specifications.

Step 3: Log In to Your Seller Account

Log in to your Amazon seller account using your usernames and passwords. 

Step 4: Upload Your Video

Then, go to the product detail page where you want to insert the video and click the ‘add a video’ option. You will be requested to upload your video file. Make the video title understandable and give a comprehensive description so that customers know what you are all about.

Step 5: Submit for Review

After your video is uploaded, send it for review. The team of Amazon will review the video to make sure it complies with Amazon’s guidelines. The review process takes about a few days so do not be in a hurry but wait until approval is granted.

Types of Videos That Can Be Added to Amazon’s Listing

Depending on your product and target audience, you will have different kinds of videos that you can add to your Amazon listing.

1. Product Demonstration

These videos are a great way of demonstrating your product in action. These are the videos that show your products in action and explain what it can do. You should be able to show your customers how your product works in order to give them an impression of what to expect from it.

2. How-To Videos

The instructional videos or the how-to videos instruct users on how to use the product appropriately. These may be of specific importance in products that need some explanation or have many features not known to users.

3. Testimonials and Reviews

You can also add value to your product listing such as testimonials and reviews. You can build trust by having satisfied customers talk about their experiences while using your product. Authentic reviews would assist the potential market in making the decision whether to buy your product or not.

4. Behind-the-Scenes 

It shows how a product is manufactured and can help create a feeling that the company cares about the customers. Such videos can explain to customers the hard work put into producing your product and create the impression of closeness with the brand.

5. Comparison Video

You can also add comparison videos to your Amazon listing. These videos compare your product with its rival showing why yours is the best. This can help you distinguish your product from other products by emphasizing its differences.

6. Unboxing Videos

Lastly, make unboxing videos that your customers will love and that are most engaging as well. These videos show the joy of opening your product for the first time. They can increase interest in your product.


To create a compelling and effective product video for your Amazon listing, consider the following do’s:

1. Focus on the Product

Your product should be the star of the video. Make sure it remains the central object in the video so that customers can see and understand what they are about to buy.

2. Be Concise

Keep your video short and to the point. Shoppers’ attention spans are extremely limited, therefore, you must communicate your message quickly and clearly. Ensure you have a video length of not more than 1-2 minutes for most products.

3. Use High-Quality Video and Audio

The quality of your video and audio is critical. Videos may appear grainy or poorly lit, with blurry audio, which can be a great put-off. Ensure that you get good equipment, or pay a professional to guarantee good quality during production.

4. Highlight Key Features and Benefits

Clearly tell your potential customers what is special about your product. Focus on its key features and the benefits it offers to customers. It is the information that the potential buyers would like to get.

5. Use a Call to Action

Encourage viewers to take action. Direct them on what to do next when it comes to making a purchase, visiting your website, or subscribing to your newsletter. This is so because a clear call to action can also attract more conversions.


While creating your product video, be sure to avoid these common pitfalls:

1. Don’t Violate Amazon’s Technical Requirements

Amazon has specific technical aspects for product videos. Make sure your video follows these guidelines to avoid problems when you upload. Know these requirements and ensure that your video is ready for submission.

2. Don’t Make It All About You

Though the video should be centered on your product, it is crucial to explain the customer’s requirements and how your product caters to them. It would be wise to avoid producing a video that is too egocentric or centered on your brand alone.

3. Don’t Overcomplicate It

Remember to maintain a simple and easy-to-understand video. Try not to incorporate jargon or complicated information that may confuse the viewer. You seek to provide easy access to the benefits and features of your product.

4. Don’t Use Misleading Information

Honesty and transparency are key. Do not give false information or overstate the capabilities of your product. Wrong information will attract disappointed customers with negative reviews, damaging your brand name.

Amazon’s Technical Requirements for Product Videos 

Before you jump into creating your Amazon product video, it is of utmost importance that you know and adhere to the platform’s specific requirements. These requirements ensure that your video can be seamlessly integrated into your Amazon listing. 

Amazon’s Technical Requirements for Product Videos

Here are some simple and essential Amazon Product Video requirements to consider:

  • File Format: Amazon can support the following video file format types: MP4, MOV, or AVI. Ensure your video is in one of these formats.
  • Resolution: The video should have a minimum resolution of 720p. This makes it easy to look clean and beautiful as seen by viewers.
  • File Size: Ensure your video is less than 500MB. Smaller files load quickly and give smooth viewing.
  • Video Length: According to Amazon, the recommended time for video should not exceed 3min. The shorter the videos, the better.
  • Video Content: It should be centered on your product and its benefits. Do not include any third-party branding or watermarking as they will often be rejected.
  • Video Orientation: The video should be in landscape mode, it should not be portrait. This allows to better fit Amazon’s product listing layout.
  • Bonus: Make sure to keep the main message of the product within the first 5 seconds. And, make it easily understandable even without the sound. For instance, instead of having someone talk about the product, show it being used. Additionally, use text headlines in your video to convey the point without relying on narration. 

And, here’s the cherry on top, to bring your product to life and make it more engaging to boost up your sales you can visit Product Video Studio

Wrap Up

So, a  product video can be a huge boost to your business when added to your Amazon listing. It increases conversion, builds brand awareness, reduces bad reviews, raises customer engagement, puts you ahead of your rivals, and improves your SEO ranking. 

Follow the do’s and don’ts, and ensure that the technical requirements by Amazon are adhered to during your video creation for a smooth and successful integration. Taking these measures will allow you to market your products, reach out to your clients, and in the end increase sales on the Amazon site. 

Therefore, do not worry about using the power of video marketing on Amazon and open the possibility of reaching a wider audience and making your products be visible in a competitive online world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where Does an Amazon Product Video Appear on Your Listing?

A: Amazon Product Video appears on the product detail page of your listing, below the product images, and above the product description.

Q: Can You Use Amazon Product Video on YouTube?

A: Yes, you can use Amazon Product Video on YouTube. However, it is important to know how to properly add Amazon affiliate links to YouTube videos in order to effectively generate affiliate sales.

Q: Is Amazon Product Video Copyright-Free?

A: No, Amazon Product Video is not copyright-free. It is owned by the seller who created it and can only be used on Amazon’s platform. Unauthorized use of the video may result in copyright infringement.