7 Product Videos That Increased Sales by 632% Almost Overnight

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Video content has become an essential part of modern e-commerce marketing. Yet many e-commerce businesses fail to utilize video effectively in their marketing campaigns and miss out on this huge opportunity. 

In this article, we will look at 10 stellar examples of ecommerce product videos that drive conversions. These real-world case studies demonstrate how cleverly crafted product videos can captivate audiences, tell compelling stories about products, and motivate viewers to buy. 

Whether you sell electronics, apparel, tools, makeup, or any other products online, you will find inspirational ideas here for creating engaging videos that showcase your items in the best possible light. The examples cover a diverse range of product categories and video styles, from simple demos to highly produced brand stories. 

We will also summarize some key best practices for making product videos that convert based on techniques used in these top e-commerce videos. Read on to explore 10 of the most effective product video examples from leading e-commerce brands.

What is eCommerce Product Video?

An e-commerce product video is a short, visual demonstration of a product designed for online sales and marketing. Unlike a traditional 30-second TV commercial, an e-commerce product video allows you to provide an in-depth look at your product’s features, benefits, and usage. 

These videos enable online shoppers to see your product up close from all angles and get a feel for what it would be like to own or use it. 

E-commerce product videos typically range from 30 seconds to 2 minutes in length and focus on highlighting the most compelling and differentiating aspects of the specific product. 

The goal is to convince potential customers that your product delivers outstanding value and help them visualize how it can improve their lives. Well-executed e-commerce product videos are an invaluable way to increase conversions and sales.

Why Should You Use Product Videos For Your eCommerce Business?

Product videos can be incredibly effective for e-commerce businesses. Here are some of the top reasons you should be using product videos as part of your e-commerce marketing strategy – 

  • Product videos allow you to demonstrate your products in use. Instead of relying on static product photos, videos let you show how your product looks, functions, and is used in real life. This helps potential customers better evaluate the product and makes them more informed buyers.
  • Videos evoke emotion and engagement. Watching a product in action through video is more interactive and exciting than simply looking at a photo. Videos help you connect with potential buyers on an emotional level and get them excited about purchasing from you.
  • Product videos also help boost SEO. Videos tend to rank highly in search results, so adding a product video can help more people discover your e-commerce store organically. The added keywords in your video script also assist with SEO.
  • Videos provide more information to customers. You can highlight key features, go in-depth on specifications, demo product use cases, and more in a short, digestible video. This additional information builds trust and credibility.
  • Product videos aid in conversions.  According to Neil Patel, product videos can improve conversion rates by up to 64 to 80%. The buying experience becomes more engaging and informative with video.

In summary, eCommerce product videos should be an essential component of your digital marketing approach. The benefits are immense, from driving more traffic to increasing sales. 

7 Best Examples of Conversion-Driven eCommerce Product Videos

1. Patagonia 

Patagonia is an outdoor clothing and gear company known for its commitment to environmental sustainability and ethical business practices.

Starting with a straightforward product showcase, Patagonia’s video for the Black Hole® Wheeled Duffel Bag 40L is a concise demonstration featuring a model showcasing the bag’s functionality. Against a minimalist white backdrop, the video, though unlisted, remains a timeless and effective tool for converting customers, proving that simplicity and clarity can outlast trends in product promotion.

2. iRobot

iRobot, renowned for the Roomba robotic vacuum, boasts a diverse YouTube channel with various videos.

This example, a support video, ingeniously addresses troubleshooting and guides customers through component replacement. Not only does it diminish customer support inquiries, but its inclusive approach, blending visuals with written tutorials, serves all learning styles. Moreover, it provides prospective customers insights into optimizing and preserving their Roomba, fostering appreciation for the product. 

3. Hero Cosmetics

Hero Cosmetics is a comprehensive skincare brand specializing in acne-related products, offering a diverse range for various skincare needs.

Hero Cosmetics effectively employs a comparison product video strategy, showcasing the breadth of its skincare collection tailored for acne-related concerns. This video serves as an ideal introduction for potential customers while also providing existing ones with cross-selling opportunities, emphasizing Hero Cosmetics as the ultimate destination for comprehensive acne care.

4. Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club is a subscription-based grooming products company known for its affordable and convenient razor delivery service.

This video serves as a prime example for our list due to its remarkable success. Created a decade ago with a budget of just $4,500, it highlights the profound impact a product video can have without the need for an elaborate production or hefty financial investment. Follow Dollar Shave Club’s lead by featuring your founder or team member casually showcasing your product in your workspace, infusing it with your brand’s personality for a chance at creating a viral video that propels your brand’s potential.

5. Solo Stove 

Emphasizing a lifestyle approach with live-action video footage, Solo Stove’s product video captures the essence of a group of friends enjoying a night on the beach with their Solo Stove. 

This compelling portrayal not only grabs the viewer’s attention but also effectively illustrates how the customer’s life can be enhanced by the product, creating a strong desire to be a part of that experience showcased in the video.

6. Hydroflask

Hydroflask excels in crafting highly targeted product videos, with a special emphasis on their flagship hydration bottles. This dedicated video delves into the comprehensive details of the bottles, including features, sizes, and color options.

Beyond this, Hydroflask adopts a strategic approach by creating concise 30-second videos spotlighting various products such as alternate bottle lids, insulated totes, and water bottle straps. This segmented video strategy proves valuable for attracting new customers while simultaneously engaging and retaining existing ones, offering a nuanced view of specific products within the brand’s diverse offerings.

7. GoPro

GoPro stands out as a brand deeply immersed in lifestyle videography, as evident from its vibrant YouTube channel showcasing adrenaline-pumping footage of athletes and adventurers worldwide.

The strategic use of its products in diverse scenarios not only inspires viewers but also fosters engagement, a key factor for YouTube’s algorithm and ultimately contributes to increased sales. Despite the substantial investment in providing free products, GoPro’s calculated approach has undeniably yielded significant returns, making it a noteworthy case study for those considering a similar marketing strategy. 

Best Practices For eCommerce Product Videos

Creating product videos that captivate and convert viewers takes skill and planning. The most effective e-commerce product videos follow certain best practices when it comes to production style, branding, and optimization.

Follow these crucial tips when producing engaging, high-quality product videos for your e-commerce business:

  • Keep it short – Videos should be between 30-90 seconds long. Concise videos keep viewers engaged.
  • Spotlight key features – Highlight the 3-5 most important or unique features of the product. Focus on what makes your product stand out.
  • Show product in use – Demonstrate how the product works or is used. This helps build excitement and understanding.
  • Use high-quality visuals – Invest in professional, high-res images and video. Poor quality distracts viewers.
  • Add graphics/b-roll – Cutaway shots and graphics help spice up talking heads or screenshare videos.
  • Use clear audio – Ensure crisp, audible audio so viewers can clearly hear any narration or product sounds.
  • Follow a story arc – Open with a hook, build anticipation, showcase features, and end with CTA.
  • Keep style on-brand – Videos should align with overall brand style, tone, colors, and messaging.
  • Call-to-Action – Every video should end with a strong CTA to view more or make a purchase.
  • Optimize metadata – Fill out titles, descriptions, and tags to help get discovered in searches.

By following video best practices and production principles, you can create stellar product videos that engage customers and drive more e-commerce sales.

Wrapping Up

Product videos are an indispensable tool for e-commerce businesses. The examples we’ve looked at show the immense power of well-executed product videos.

When created strategically, product videos captivate audiences. They highlight compelling features and value propositions. They motivate viewers to become buyers.

While approaches may differ, the most effective videos follow best practices. These include succinct runtimes, clear messaging, high production value, and strategic calls to action.

By implementing the lessons from top eCommerce videos, you can drive more traffic and boost conversions. Product videos demonstrate your products’ value and differentiate your brand.

With the right strategy and execution, you can create conversion-driving videos. These videos showcase your e-commerce products in the best light. Implement the tips outlined here to sell more products using the power of video.